On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 10:54:20AM -0500, Austad, Jay wrote:
> I have ATTWS now, but if I had to do it over I would get T-mobile.  I'm
> using ATT's GSM service, and it's pretty spotty, especially on the edges of
> town.  I get full T-mobile signal on the phone anywhere I go around here,
> but I can't use it since I'm with ATT.

I've been pretty happy with T-mobile. Can't say I use it a whole lot,
though.  Signal strength seems good most places around town (except in
my basement as well).

Bought a Nokia 6310i phone last February that has worked out pretty
well.  Features include:  tri-band GSM world phone, data/fax modem,
bluetooth/IR/cable connectivity, calendar/clock, GPRS, WAP.  Purchased
with no carrier lock (can use any SIM).

Joel Schneider
joel at joelschneider.net

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