On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Austad, Jay wrote:
> I have ATTWS now, but if I had to do it over I would get T-mobile.
> I'm using ATT's GSM service, and it's pretty spotty, especially on the
> edges of town.  I get full T-mobile signal on the phone anywhere I go
> around here, but I can't use it since I'm with ATT.
> Supposedly, ATT is replacing all of their TDMA towers with GSM, and
> their coverage with GSM is supposed to be much better by the end of
> the year. Once number portability goes into effect, they better get
> their act together or they will lose customers.

Note that AT&T and T-Mobile recently announced a roaming agreement.. so
hopefully soon service for both will improve. (There are a few areas I've
seen, like my basement, where AT&T has a stronger GSM signal..)

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