"Troy.A Johnson" wrote:

> I just got this email with a book endorsement from Jame Gosling:
> >Subject: News at InformIT: JavaScript, Security, Photoshop, GoLive, IT Management, and More
> >
> >Announcing the "Effective Java(TM) Programming Language Guide"
> >
> >  James Gosling, Fellow and Vice President, Sun Microsystems,
> >  Inc., and inventor of the Java(TM) programming language says:
> >
> >        "I sure wish I had this book ten years ago.
> >        Some might think that I don't need any Java
> >        books, but I need this one."
> >
> >        Order your copy of Effective Java and save 10%
> >        when you purchase at
> >        http://www.informit.com/newsletter.asp?link=547
> >
> Does anyone have this book? Is it good? What audience are they shooting for?

I went and looked at what information was available on FatBrain.  I would say that it is
targetting the same audience as Meyer's Effective C++, the mid to advanced-level Java developer
looking to further their craft.  Some of the material covered is common to Java/OO developers
(like aggregation over inheritance) and other material looked like an interesting read.  My
question on the Gosling endorsement would be, "would he have endorsed it if the publisher was
someone other than Addison-Wesley"?  The reason I say that is A-W is the "official" publisher of
the Java language, by that I mean, they are Sun-blessed.

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Solutions
perry.hoekstra at talentemail.com