I just got this email with a book endorsement from Jame Gosling:

>Subject: News at InformIT: JavaScript, Security, Photoshop, GoLive, IT Management, and More
>Announcing the "Effective Java(TM) Programming Language Guide"
>  James Gosling, Fellow and Vice President, Sun Microsystems, 
>  Inc., and inventor of the Java(TM) programming language says:
>        "I sure wish I had this book ten years ago. 
>        Some might think that I don't need any Java 
>        books, but I need this one." 
>        Order your copy of Effective Java and save 10%
>        when you purchase at
>        http://www.informit.com/newsletter.asp?link=547

Does anyone have this book? Is it good? What audience are they shooting for?

Curiously george,
