I am presenting an Introduction to the GIMP for the TCPC user group on Tue June 11 at 7PM. Check their web for directions if you are interested. SALES PITCH I have been a computer graphics hobbyist for several years now, experimenting with a variety of low cost graphics and photo editing tools with varying levels of frustration until I discovered the GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation tool. The GIMP has often been compared to professional programs like Photoshop costing hundreds of dollars but the GIMP is available at little or no cost. This presentation is primarily intended to introduce you to the wide range of features available with this application, but we'll also show you how to get started. This presentation will illustrate some basic techniques, show you how to use the basic tool set, and introduce you to a variety of sources that you can use to expand your expertise or try out just for fun. GIMP was originally developed in Linux and the presentation will also utilize the Linux OS but GIMP is also available for Windows. -- Paul Overby xpoverby at attbi.com phone: 651-681-8084