I'm wondering how to automate something further. Currently I <br>use the following commands (in a script) when I publish a <br>new version of the software.<br><br>md5sum direct.tar.bz2 | tee md5checksum<br>cat md5checksum | xclip -sel clip<br>
<br>After that I edit an<a href="http://webEbenezer.net/build_integration.html"> html file</a> by hand and paste the new <br>checksum into the file. Once in a while I forget to do that <br>step. So I'd like to figure out how to improve the process. <br>
What do you suggest? Thanks in advance.<br><br><br>Shalom,<br>Brian Wood<br>Ebenezer Enterprises<br><a href="http://webEbenezer.net" target="_blank">http://webEbenezer.net</a><br><br><br><br><br><br>