With fedora15 running gnome 3 and Ubuntu in 11.04 today and LEET Slackware release 13.37 I am have quite the week.<br>I have fedora 15 installed and I am downloading ubuntu and slackware now. Also Im setting up a myth TV server.<br>
All of this in addition to doing may classes and writing Java. And studying for the RedHat engineer exam.<br>Its great ! <br>So my impressions of Gnome3 so far the desktop interface is a pain in the hand for mouse users. <br>
If you use the keyboard shortcuts it works fine. alt tab, alt F2, alt F1 to get to the over view menu. A minor annoyance is to get to shutdown you have to hit alt in the user menu.<br>It is a very nice looking desktop and I think with some tweaking its a good user interface. <br>
The shell stays under 1% cpu most of the time with nvidia graphics working out of the box.<br>I will see how unity stacks up today.<br>Then it is on to slack ware where im sure MR. BoB will have an in depth analysis. Cheers to you Mr. BoB !<br>
,RJ <br><br>