So, I'm sure I'll get the usual nVidia recommendations, but I recently built a HTPC with a Radeon 3200 onboard. Everything worked as expected, but a desire to use MAME convinced me to add a real video card, and the low profile 4650 fit the bill. Unfortunately, it's not taking. I can get a console on HDMI, but as soon as GDM tries to start (Ubuntu 9.04 due to F11's lack of fglrx support), the system locks up hard (in truth, it locks up starting failsafe X after it tries and fails with fglrx) with a few colored lines on the top of the display. Xorg.0.log says it can't find any screens (which is clearly not the case given that the <i>only</i> connection is through the HDMI output).<br>
<br>I haven't tried a DVI->HDMI adapter, which is likely to work, but leaves me without audio. Anybody have suggestions (how to force fglrx to try initializing the HDMI connection would be nice, since the "force" directives in aticonfig don't appear to resolve it)?<br>
-- <br>while (!asleep) { sheep++; }<br>