Zimbra community edition is Free just as much as Apache or Sendmail... What you get in exchange (pun intended) is you support it by community or by yourself. I have never had any issues with it, but I've only had as much as 5 people connecting. Outlook connectivity was perfect, IMAP was perfect, caldav was perfect... And you can deploy as easily as setting up a VM in vmware player or VirtualBox.<br>
<br>The things worth considering:<br>-What is your downtime worth? If you can take the time to fix it, then free is cool. If email downtime is lost money, look to a hosted solution or something with paid support (which could still be Zimbra in one of the paid editions).<br>
-What is your migration timeframe. If you need to have something up and running right away, a paid package might include migration support. If you can set it up in parallel and test it out the wazoo, any Free package is worth trying.<br>
-What is your comfort level with the platform, the language it's developed in, etc. I have had to dig into Free groupware apps to fix bugs that were annoying me in the past, as the developers don't always have the same priorities as you.<br>
<br>If you have time to plan it out and make the case, setup a VM and deploy Zimbra, OpenXChnge, Citadel, etc and try them out, find out what you like, get to know the community and developers. This will help you feel out what you can expect later, and find any major tech issues before they arise with end users. Plus it's just fun. :)<br>
<br>Kris Browne<br><a href="mailto:kris.browne@gmail.com">kris.browne@gmail.com</a><br>612-353-6969<br>612-408-4431<br><a href="http://www.google.com/profiles/kris.browne">http://www.google.com/profiles/kris.browne</a><br>