Way lame thread, but -<br><br>Magazine sub, offered by school kids - usually I decline, but my niece is giving me the heat, so I identified 3 possible sub that I might be interested in that were on the list of mags to subscribe to:
<br><br>PC World<br>PC Magazine<br>Wired<br><br>Don't know the difference between the two "PC" offerings, and I think Wired is a general tech mag. Went to the website of each and after that I'm still at a loss.
<br><br>Anyone read any of the three mentioned above? Recommendations? I guess I'm be ok with anything that deal with upcoming techy stuff or one that offered (unbiased?) opinions on current OS issues and software/hardware etc...
<br><br>Like I said - kinda a lame topic... but thought the group might have some input.<br><br>thanks<br><br><br><br>