I'm sure all the arrogant geniuses in this group already know all this old stuff. So please allow somebody eager to learn the chance. I've enjoyed the Atmel microcontroller learning resources for decades. Their CAN, UART, programming tools, derivatives like Arduino, etc. are enormous. Yes, Atmel is now "Microchip." This Youtube car repair video might enlighten others, like it did me, how far, how commonplace, how important local motherboard system control has become https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEThPhO6MxY Yes, there are many other videos like it, and it is old stuff, just to preempt the experts. But it remains important. And for a group that can't yet solder proto boards, the video might reveal how far out of the technology game we have become. I don't know why Linux would not be the unrivaled leader in such automation, when the electric grid is being re-invented globally. Somebody emailed me that we need to compete with China on 5G internet. Without answering, I thought, "Who's WE?"