Got your images.

I would be delighted if the bogus renewable energy political academic 
lobby disappeared. But I was reminded by early 1990s papers recently 
re-discovered in my old briefcase how we have gone backwards. I have 
supportive documents from Arne Carlson, the head of research at NSP, the 
head of the Rural Electric in Wash.DC, Norwegian Consulate, and more, 
all actively interested in rural distributed energy. The same 
non-scientists pushing windmills and solar panels then are pushing them 
now. Even the Science Museum of Minnesota now pushes biomass. I had 
young children then, and was an easy target for the politics.

Energy and agriculture are global multi-trillion dollar industries and 
the center of global attention. I asked if you knew a biophysical 
chemist, and you came close (I did find better in Chem. Engineering and 
he was nice.). The energy network concept exactly mimics the information 
network. Distributed, redundant, National Security. All Linux 
controlled, if anybody could endure that much knowledge.

What I put forth to this group to advance new roofing and photo-chemical 
conversion of cellulose to fuel and fertilizer might arouse some 
innovators' imagination. Clearly not yours, but keep your smug lectures 
to yourself. I get plenty of that crap from old car experts who brag 
what a "gem" the Model T is, and nobody needs a computer in a car.

Iznogoud wrote:
> Jeff, I think it is a good topic, and there is a lot of overlap with Linux,
> as an enabling free-software framework for some emerging technologies. There
> is a lot that is enabled by, say, an ARM low-power chip running a full-blown
> OS, all at super low cost, in support of industrial uses in agriculture and
> energy production/conversion. I think Rick has brought up a good topic, and
> when it comes to industrial automation enabled by Linux-based embedded systems,
> this is likely a list to appreciate the content. I'd certainly like to see a
> link or two with some substantial content, especially if it comes from our
> local geekery.
> But Jeff also has a point, that trying to fuel a "debate" of sorts, that is
> largely politically or agenda motivated, is, in my opinion, beyond the scope
> of this list and at this point, obviously past the patience of the readers.
> Let's stop the debate side of things now, please. I also appologize for having
> sent a link, in what looks now like a trolling move. I will send the images to
> Rick in a private email.
> Curry on.
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