You'd also have to check the terms of your employment contract - it's
very common for employers to claim ownership of all "work product"
produced for them.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 11:21 AM, Iznogoud <iznogoud at> wrote:
> Great stuff! Glad to see this kind of stuff created. And a noble cause.
> You may want to talk to a patent attorney (I know this is not helping much).
> Perhaps you can give a call to the Office of Technology Commercialization at
> the Univ. of Minnesota and ask questions. As a Land-grant institution, they
> are supposed to be helping the public.
> Alternatively, to see if there is any money to be made there, you can talk to
> a "venture capital" firm, ask them to partner with you under an NDA, and see
> if they are interested in doing the market research on your behalf.
> Patent application fees can exceed $5k, if I recall correctly. It will also
> take some time, and there are no guarantees that you will receive a patent.
> A more interesting and daring path would be to approach SmartThings and see
> if they are interested. You may have to swap some pieces out for using their
> technology, or they can straight-up buy it. Just a thought.
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