With all due respect, the rants and suggestions embedded into the description
of your problem do not belong there; they distract and more likely discourage
people from reading further. Try the approach of being concise and descriptive.

Some thoughts below.

If you are booting from _software_RAID_ (any kind) on Linux you need to be
very careful. Typically, and I could be wrong here, when booting from a
partition, it is not a RAID partition, but a regular partition. Once the kernel
is loaded and it is aware of RAID modules, then it does a "chroot" to the
partition of the real system -- which is typically not the partition where
you booted, but it sure can be. Given that you may be doing software RAID, this
may apply to you and it may be a source of confusion. You can test this by
stopping grub from botting regularly if you supply the init to be a bash prompt
and then you can do the usual querying with 'df -h' to find out what is going
on (i.e. what CentOS's setup is trying to do at boot time).

I am not sure what to suggest first... It would be great if we have a partition
table and a /boot/grub/grub.conf copy to look at... It is hard to tell from
your description.

Try botting manually, byt typing everything in the prompt, from the source
disk to everything else you need. On failure it will just give you back the
prompt and you can "reset" and try again instead of watching it hang after

Good luck!