Is it possible that they were able to download your server side
script? is that directory open in such a way to allow them access to
download rather then execute? does the script leak those parameters
when executed?

here is what i do for similar situations:
1. enable https: it really does not hurt and this should just be on by default.
2. use an api string or use a custom user agent string: only clients
with the correct string will actually be listened to (this will help
you in the future too)
3. enable http auth: even if it is stupid data; it keeps away those
random rubbernecker and crawlers that ignore robots.txt, you can even
use REMOTE_USER as additional metadata that can be used to track down

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Loren Burlingame <theixian at> wrote:
> Here is the scenario:
> I have written a simple little Perl script which runs on an Linux web host.
> The purpose is to track the IP of laptop computers we own.
> The laptops are Windows 10. They run a little PowerShell script triggered
> off of an event (when an IP address is assigned to an interface).
> The computer name along with a couple of parameters is encoded in base64 and
> this string is passed in the URL to the Perl script on the server over
> unencrypted HTTP.
> The base64 encoding is in no way an attempt to encrypt or "secure" the
> communication, it is just a convenient way to get all of the parameters into
> a single HTTP GET parameter.
> The server-side Perl script is set up in such a way that if any query that
> isn't recognized is received, an error page is displayed.
> Only strictly sanitized input is then inserted into an SQLite db file. So
> the parameters have to be perfectly ordered and then encoded then received,
> decoded, checked and then finally inserted.
> Here is the confounding part:
> Twice now, in as many days, I have seen a duplicate of a query for two of
> our laptops come in from unexpected IPs and written to the db file.
> The laptops in question are sitting in our office, have not been touched by
> users and have no correlating events in their logs.
> The querying IPs are only a few octets apart ( and
> and both show that they belong to a block of IPs owned by
> Kintiskton LLC (a subnet of a Verizon Business block). Both IPs geo-locate
> to La Hara, California (a suburb of Los Angeles). They also are using a
> strange UA: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"
> I found these pages when searching for Kintiskton:
> So this would appear to be a web spider of some kind which, according to
> some, is poorly written, extremely aggressive and ignores robots.txt.
> I get that the site will be crawled and it doesn't surprise me that this was
> within an hour or so of it first going up.
> What I don't understand is how an entity out on the net is able to,
> apparently, know the full URLs including queries and parameters of a site
> which I just put up and only just queried myself?
> Anyone up for schooling me on this new fangled Internet thing?
> --Loren
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