Dr. John Shier will present a "Chalk Talk" and slides of his published work.
For examples, visit his website at:   <http://john-art.com/>
http://john-art.com/  .

Invited Guests:   Dr Bill Kamp  - math & software guru and Matt Bruzek  -
software guru with Canonical (Ubuntu, etc)  .

Attendance is open, but registration is needed.

The meeting is April 30th, from 9:30 to 12:45 at Intertech in Eagan (more
details in the link below). 


John is a PhD in Physics.  He was in IEEE 25 years, has published 15 papers
and has 13 patents.

He was in IC device development 30 years, with 20 in analog and mixed signal
technology where he became fascinated with randomness.  He taught physics at
Normandale Community College for 7 years after retiring. 

John and a partner have published much of this material before in journals
beginning in 2006.  This algorithm was discovered in 2010.

He will show a short movie of images made by his colleague, and bring framed
prints Shown at a County Fair so we get a visual orientation before he goes
into his techniques and algorithms in additional images.

To register or for more information, follow this link:

Questions:  contact  <mailto:tc-computer at ieee.org> tc-computer at ieee.org.



Bruce Hanson, Chair Twin Cities Computer Society

Chuck Cole,  Vice Chair Twin Cities Computer Society

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