Wow... telling people not to troll and act like adults in one sentance and 
then trolling and acting like a non-adult in the next! You win!

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Drmgiver wrote:

> Ok seriously, can we get over the troll shit and act like adults?  I
> have a right to my opinion sorry.  The whole "slack" thing insults my
> faith.  I won't be using that distro or any distro based on it.  Get
> over it.
> Justin
> On 01/19/2011 09:55 AM, Mr. B-o-B wrote:
>> Drmgiver cried from the depths of the abyss...
>>> Most distros include it in repos to my knowledge.  As for Slackware, I
>>> know it is just me being me, but I refuse to use it based on how it got
>>> it's name.
>> That is a shame.  I have the same feeling about Ubuntu (which is an
>> African word for not smart enough to use Slackware).  I have installed
>> Ubuntu for my Mom, and a handful of others that are challenged.  It's a
>> nice n00b distro.  Once you grow some teeth, or need to put a server into
>> production you might find the hand holding fisher price aspect of Ubuntu
>> a turn off.  This of course my is just my opinion.
>> You should give it a try.  It's lovely!
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