I was using a BBS back around 1992 called Part Time BBS and saw a new 
entry there called 'Linux'. I ignored it for a few days, then thought I 
would download it and see what it was.

Linux was broken down into a bunch of floppy disk size images, supplied 
by a distro called SLS (Soft Landing Systems). Part Time BBS had a 
download limit, so I was able to download a couple of images a day, and 
needed to do that for a week or so before I had enough pieces to boot up 
a system. Once I started I was committed to getting all the pieces.

I did that, running command line for a while, then started playing with 
X based apps. By 1995, I decided to only run Linux at home and currently 
have six full time Linux boxes running (personal desktop, wife's 
desktop, web server, mythtv, ...), and sometimes a laptop.

Unfortunately, my current job is Windows based, but I've snuck in a 
couple of CentOS boxes and are doing an Oracle conversion for a customer 
that runs on Linux.
