>It's good exercise to push a language to do things it isn't good at.  You
pick up a lot of useful tricks.  A lot of people would think programming
couldn't be fun, but if crossword puzzles are fun, or sudoku is fun, then
programming must be fun, but it's better than fun because you can solve
important problems.  Solving a sudoku or crossword puzzle can't help to
discover a cure for cancer, but some computer programs do that.

i must be burned out today.  i was looking for the "like" button as if i was
on facebook.

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:58 AM, Mike Miller <mbmiller+l at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Feb 2011, Robert Nesius wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Mike Miller <mbmiller+l at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>  It isn't very efficient, though.  It took 13 minutes on my machine.
>> That's part of the fun of it.  There are multiple twists you can add for
>> fun.
>> 1) Choosing the best language for a particular problem.
>> 2) Commit to solving in a particular language for the fun of overcoming
>> the
>> challenges that presents (like bash, or lisp, or erlang, or asm, etc...)
> It's good exercise to push a language to do things it isn't good at.  You
> pick up a lot of useful tricks.  A lot of people would think programming
> couldn't be fun, but if crossword puzzles are fun, or sudoku is fun, then
> programming must be fun, but it's better than fun because you can solve
> important problems.  Solving a sudoku or crossword puzzle can't help to
> discover a cure for cancer, but some computer programs do that.
>  3) Finding a solution that is computationally more efficient.  i.e.,
>> O(N^2) solution is readily apparent.  Might there be an O(N) or O(nlogn)
>> approach that exploits underlying properties?
> I was wondering about that for things like factoring and identifying prime
> numbers.
> It would be good to study more algorithms, but I don't have enough time to
> study them until I actually have a work-related problem to solve.  For these
> problems I have to toss off one of the first things that comes into my head.
>  It's a good feeling to get a quick answer, but I also feel like I opened a
> bag of chips and ate just one.
> Mike
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