> Hi Raymond, > can you please publish this on list, so others (me :) ) can have it as well. > > Cheers > > PS: this looks like interesting topic for some next meeting (Penguins, etc.) > > Once you have it installed you will want to populate the database. I chose to export my Thunderbird addressbook, but the Base DN was wrong, among other things. I fixed most of the records using SED (no one replied to my question, so not sure of there is an easier way). I tried to use Thunderbirds php script, but couldn't get it to work. Here is the command I used to fix records that only the wrong Base DN: sed -e "s/mail=.*$/ou=addressbook,dc=lctn,dc=org/g" Raymonds.ldif > test.ldif http://www.suwald.com/linux-gnu/sed-howto.html