On Wed, 25 Aug 2010, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> On 08/25 04:33 , Eric F Crist wrote:
>> Sure, because basing status on the operating system someone uses makes 
>> any sense at all.
> It does serve as a proxy measure for one's intelligence, willingness to 
> learn, and willingness to experiment with technology.
> How many genuinely stupid, vapid, unwilling to learn people run linux? 
> There are some; but I posit that the proportion is much lower than in 
> the general population.

Right, I think it's because the computer skills of the average Linux user 
are much greater than those of the average Windows or Mac user.  It's also 
getting to the point where a lot of Linux enthusiasts make their computers 
do amazing things for cheap that you can't get with Windows (because it is 
just so limited) or Mac (because the hardware is pricey).
