I attended the meeting this morning on broadband summit with 
Genachowski.  I was glad I attended.  I walked away with a sinking 
feeling about this guy.  Rolling out broadband will cost hundreds of 
billions of dollars, he said.  I think he's locked onto fiber optic 
cable, and we'll all have to pay more.  The sinking moment came when he 
proclaimed that more people need to sign up for the pathetic services 
now offered, and then corporate thugs will decide the demand is there to 
build out.  More of the same corporate talk.  This guy has spent way too 
much time in closed door meetings without public input.

Most of the audience submitted questions, and Klobuchar presented a 
token number to the panel.  Sure wish we had less double talk and more 
activism in the FCC.  Oh, and he also brought up a study of 40 
countries.  We ranked 6th for something, and 40th for broadband (true 
broadband) speed.  Now, I don't know about you, but that would put us 
behind a whole lot of Third World countries, wouldn't it?  So, how do 
they do that, and have citizens paying a fraction of what we're paying.  
Genachowski actually believes we all will have to pay more, before true 
broadband will be competitively offered.  I'm sick.  Did anyone else 
come away with a different impression?