On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 02:34:33PM -0500, Mike Miller wrote:
> My petition wouldn't be a political thing -- nothing involving politicians 
> -- it would be about policy within a scientific/professional organization. 
> So when I said that the site should "work" I just meant that it should 
> correctly collect the data and count signatories.
> So which site(s) do you recommend?

I think this is a little different than the original question, and
similar to the other thread posted today.  

I came across a survey on drupal.org last week that uses google docs on
the back end.  I hadn't seen this before, but it sounds perfect for what
you're looking for (not even really a petition - more like a survey).  

Here's the link to how drupal was using it:

As a poster in the other thread noted, the results get dumped into a
google spreadsheet, which you can export however you'd like for
