I've generated an animated GIF of a machine part for viewing with a browser. It works quite well, but I'd like to make it interactive (pause/resume), which I understand isn't possible with an animated GIF. I know very little of video and tried this with ffmpeg using "ffmpeg -f gif -i Animation.gif Animation.flv". Although Animation.flv generates, it won't play with mplayer. The file is identified as "Macromedia Flash Player" using the file command. I found I can generate Animation.avi using "ffmpeg -f gif -i Animation.gif Animation.avi". That avi file does play with mplayer. Using ffmpeg -f avi -i Animation.avi Animation.flv" also produces a Flash file which won't play. What am I missing when generating? Is there an alternative? As I say, I know very little of video and would like to keep the loop animated GIF capability.