Forwarding to list for archival purposes, keep forgetting to change
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On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 09:14:48 -0600, Nick <bellsoffreedom at> wrote:
> Okay. As per the requests of several people, here's a readout of
> what I'm seeing.
> The exact command I'm running from my Windows box is:
> pscp -r /home/user/directories/to/copy user at\Home
> "Home" is the name of a directory on the Windows machine where I
> want to put my copied files.

The command should be:

pscp -r username at linuxbox:/home/username/directories/to/copy c:\Home

However, I usually work from the directory I'm manipulating files on
the windows machine, so it's:

pscp -r username at linuxbox:/home/username/directories/to/copy .

The "." represents the current working directory.