On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 05:03, Shawn wrote:
>   We bought a Uniden a few years back, and it worked nearly flawlessly until it got dropped off our porch onto the driveway.  Sound quality was excellent, better than the POS AT&T unit we have now and many others.
>   I spent well over $250 on the phone system (included a digital answerer) then, after a month of so of searching and checking reviews.  Not all Unidens are "sucky" or crap.  I found that it's a "get what you pay for" market in cordless phones.  Anything under $125 and you're just throwing money away.

I just got a 900 MHzvtech phone from CompUSA that's $4.999 after
rebate!  Works great! lol  At least for the amount of calling I do...  I
think it's crazy to spend -more- than $50 on a phone, myself.  I mean,
it's just a phone.  Spend your money on a good computer. ;)

Ryan Hayle <hackel at walkingfish.com>

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