> ftp.mn-linux.org (which is gladiator) has a mirror, but it is currently 
> still at 9.1 rc2. Maybe you already knew that, since you are asking for 
> a *current* mirror of 9.1. But I was able to get my system up to 9.1 by 
> installing rc2, then updating to Cooker, which by now is the same as 9.1 
> Final.

Thank you, if I decide to go that route...I may need some help configuring RPMDrake (or whatever it's called) to update with Cooker, but I'll work on it first.

> French, based in France.

Red Hat's American, right? Gentoo? Maybe Debian's in my future.

> Well, in actuality the system starts X based on its runlevel, in 
> /etc/inittab. Look for the line:
>     id:5:initdefault:
> The "5" indicates runlevel 5, which tells the system to start X 
> automatically upon boot. Your system will have a 3, meaning you have a 
> text-only boot, from which you can login and "startx". Change the 3 to a 
> 5, and the system will take care of starting X on boot.

I am pure idiot. Or more accurately, a dummy. To prove that point, I reference Chapter 2 of <i>Linux For Dummies</i> which is the first mention of runlevels. I have read this chapter, and since forgotten. Go figure I would actually use the information.

> Check the /etc/X11/prefdm script to see how the display manager is launched.

I do believe it is gdm, although I can't be 100% sure with my quick glance at /etc/X11/prefdm.
> Hope this helps.

Thanks! Helps a ton!

-Nick Stolley

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