On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 08:29:03PM -0600, Eric Estabrooks wrote:
> if you want to support md5passwords, which perl does if the system 
> library does you want to change your salt generation and crypt to 
> something more like this (the code snippet below also does a quick check 
> to see if the system supports md5passwords or not).
> sub salt_gen {
>         my $item = "";
>         my $let = 
> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.";
>         for(my $i=0; $i < 8; $i++) {
>                 $item .= substr($let, rand(length($let)), 1);
>         }
>         return $item;
> }
> # check for md5 crypt support
> $random_thing = salt_gen();
> $var = '$1$'.$random_thing.'$';
> $check = crypt("bob", $var);
> if ($check eq "\$1Ai/bpypBusU") { # crypt doesn't support md5
>         $var = $random_thing;
> }
> $crypt = crypt($ARGV[1], $var);


Thanks for the heads-up.  Manpage crypt(3) on my system says:

 If the salt starts with $1$ an MD5 based password hashing algorithm
 is applied. The salt should consist off $1$ followed with eight

It turns out my 2-character salt was causing crypt() to use the DES
crypt algo instead of MD5.  I notice that ckpasswd works with
either--code changes are left as an exercise to the reader.

BTW, here's a more idiomatic salt generator:

 my @a = (0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z',qw[. /]);
 my $salt = join "", map $a[rand(@a)], 1..8;  # or 1..2 for DES

trammell at el-swifto.com  9EC7 BC6D E688 A184 9F58  FD4C 2C12 CC14 8ABA 36F5
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