Raymond Norton wrote:
>>Behold the power of spamassassin...guess I _could_ whitelist tclug, but
>>some people deserve it. :) So here's your spamassassin results, so that
>>sender has a chance to correct things if they choose to do so.
> I would add it to your whitelist. The majority of mail I get from this
> group is marked as spam.

Not to mention reducing system load. Spamassassin was taking a good 30 
seconds with the CPU pegged at 100% per message on my old P133 server. I 
feared what would happen if I got a ton of mail and bumped spamassasin 
to the bottom of my procmailrc, after all my mailing lists.

I imagine spamassasin must have some scaling issues on really busy 
servers, even with far faster CPU's...

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org