On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:46:18 -0500 (CDT)
Munir Nassar <nassarmu at redconcepts.net> wrote:

> they used to be on thursday nights, but the first thing we did when we
> took over the beeradmining is poll for a better day. (lorry had class 
> thursday night, ahhh the priviledge of rank)
> attendance has improved, we now average 17 people per bm rather than
> the average 8 we used to have.
> If there is sufficient interest i suppose we should poll again, lets
> say if 8 people email for a change we can poll again.

Yeah, I remember.  By the time I became available to make the Thursday meetings, they got switched to Fridays....    Oh well, such is life.


The difficult we do today; the impossible take a little longer.

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