On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Austad, Jay wrote:

> > Yeesh. An RFC for that? Aren't there enough holy wars going around???
> Yeah, there is, and I'm about to start one.  :)
> I have like 40 different naming schemes on network devices, it seems that
> some people have just chosen random names for some of them, and it's
> annoying.  I want to come up with something that's not too cryptic, and
> gives a good description of it's function and possibly location.

one place i worked at they used the following scheme:


XXX: department initials
YYY: local airport code - the company was national, and some departments 
spanned large areas
Z??: Z was N for Novell servers, A for windows server and then a serial 

at another place they used
XXX is department name
YYY is function (VFS, PDC, BCD etc... )  yes it was very windows centric
?? serial number

personally i prefer to use non-descriptive names
i use city names for servers and stars for workstations

bad points: people will wonder which server does what
good points: people will wonder which server does what  (hint: they do not 
really need to know)

Munir Nassar

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org