On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 23:00:53 -0500
"David Phillips" <david at acz.org> wrote:

> Shawn writes:
> > More like application development reasons.  They (developers) need
> > sudo permissions to modify files owned by root.  These are non
> > system files, only ones used by the applications.  As to how many,
> > I'm not sure of the exact count, I'd say literally could be up to or
> > over 1000 per system and over 100 servers.    
> Why is it an issue if developers have root access on development
> boxes?
They don't have root per se.  I've modified the sudoers file to prevent them from shelling out, as well as a number of other things administratively.  Yes, there are flaws to sudo and ways around it I know.  However, they do not have access to root directly.

In a perfect world, development would be without need for sudo, and I could get rid of it altogether.  However, it's not going to happen.


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