I'm learning how to burn a cd with cd-record.  I'm following this page:

  However, I'm either forgetting an option, or doing something wrong because it's not mounting after creation on linux box:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
       or too many mounted file systems
       (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use
       ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?)

It's a Yamaha IDE cd-r/w, and I've got the scsi emulation loaded.  Here's the steps that I took:

# mkisofs -r -o cd_image cdfile/

After this was done, I could mount it in a loopback device and see the files desired to be burned:

# mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 cd_image /cdrom

After unmounting, I run cdrecord -scanbus and get the device info:

	0,0,0	0) 'YAMAHA   '  'CRW2100E        '  '1.0M'  Removable CD-ROM

Then, I create the cd:

# cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -data cd_image

I don't recall seeing any error messages in the creation process.  What am I doing wrong?   Thanks.

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