On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 20:04:16 -0500
Scot Jenkins <scot+tcluggen at thinkunix.net> wrote:

> do you need usb support?  if not try disabling in BIOS.
> what kernel are you booting?  bare.i (the default?)  you might try
> another kernel, although a quick look in the /cdrom/kernels directory
> doesn't show anything specific for usb for slack 9.0
No, usb support not needed now.  But would be nice for future devices such as flightstick, camera, etc.

I thought of disabling the USB support right after the message was sent.  After disabling it, it works.  Was booting with the bare.i kernel.  Wonder why it was locking up?  USB 2.0 imcompatibility maybe?


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