Ok, so after all of this talk on cordless phones, I bit the bullet and
bought a Panasonic TG1050N expandable system.  The sound quality kind of

So I was at Target today, and I noticed there's a new V-tech system out for
$99 and handsets are only $44 each.  I decided to pick it up and test it
out, if it sucks I can just bring it back.  After I plugged it in, I noticed
that the display is *exactly* the same as the Panasonic's.  The menu system
was also exactly the same, and all of the ringtones were exactly the same.
It also has 3 voicemail boxes just like the panasonic, and the voice is even
exactly the same.  Even the instruction manual is exactly the same.  IT'S

But, even though it's the same phone, voice quality on the V-tech is 100
times better, both on my side, and the people I talk to say it sounds
better.  The panasonic lists for $249, the V-tech is $99 and it's a way
better phone.

I tried to register one of the handsets for the v-tech with the panasonic
base station, but that didn't work.  It didn't like the base ID I put in.
But, the handsets both recognize when one of the other brands is picked up.

Anyone wanna buy a panasonic for $77?  :)


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