On Monday 02 June 2003 08:06 am, Lansing, Dan wrote:
> The main things I notice is that SQUAT is failing when users log on and opt
> fails because of no opie dir....i haven't been able to find anything on
> google about squat except for people claiming the don't know squat about
> Linux.....as far as opt....this morning I installed the popt package on the
> install cd....not sure if this is the same or not but I figured it would be
> worth a try....also found out most of the users didn't even notice there
> was a 'logout' button on the client.....and were just closing the browser
> then logging right back in.....i gave them all hand slaps.....

Never heard of squat before or opt! :-)

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
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