One more difference between MySQL and Postgres.  Postgres supports record
locks.  My preference for Web apps is Postgres.

>> We have an oracle database which I'd like to move to an open-source
>> database.  Based on talking with the DBA, we have less than 100 Oracle
>> pl/sql packages.  Which database would be easiest to migrate to?  Are
>> there migration utilities to make this easier?
> It depends on your needs.  The most commonly used open source databases
> are MySQL and PostgreSQL.  PostgreSQL has more features.  Whether or not
> you need them is a different story.  MySQL has better documentation (in
> my opinion) and is easier to use.  MySQL is probably faster than
> PostgreSQL for most uses.  It also has transactional tables, if you need
> them.  It can run 24/7 without needing maintenance like PostgreSQL.
> MySQL is developed in-house by a company, where as PostgreSQL is
> developed in the more traditional open source way.  The code base for
> PostgreSQL was inherited from a university project.  I am inclined to
> think that this makes MySQL more apt to be stable.
> There is also Firebird, an open source database based on Borland's
> InterBase.
> This probably isn't your situation, but if you need a very small, fast
> and light embeddable database, check out SQLite.  The code is amazing.
> The entire database is kept in one file and it locks the entire file
> during updates, so multiuser performance would not be great.  But for
> single user use, it can be much faster than MySQL and PostgreSQL.  It is
> public domain.
> --
> David Phillips <david at>
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