On Fri, 10 May 2002, rotbau wrote:

> I'm wondering if anyone out there has a good resource for 
> installing and configuring BIND in a chroot jail, also on 
> configuring zone files and such.
> I have searched google and found some OK sites and read the 
> MAN file, but I don't have any experience with BIND and 
> would like more information.  Also if there are any other 
> good and reliable DNS servers for Linux other than BIND I 
> would like to hear about them.  
> Regards,
> Bob

There is an alternative I've heard of that is done by the author of Qmail.
Cant think of the name right now, but since I know qmail and this ver of
bind are 2 of Scot Jenkins' favorites, maybe he knows and will
post. <duck>

The ORA DNS & BIND book is excellent. I think I got more out of that one
than any I've read.

Good Luck!

Mike Jentges
Jentges.Net, Inc.
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