> Just a reminder:
> There are probably at least some people on this list for whom the
> technical quality of the solution is NOT the only determiner, as your
> post suggests.
> There are people who have deep ideological commitments to Free
> Software (Free as in Speech), that are not limited to trying to find
> one's boss the best widget.
> I am not going to comment on the rightness or wrongness of this, but if
> one wants to discuss this issue seriously, one should take into account
> all the factors.
> R

So far as my original post in this thread (the long-winded rant) goes, I
would respond thus:
My project was theorizing a reason for the relatively higher
number of Unix/Linux "zealots" than Microsoft "zealots", taking as implied
the earlier poster's description of "zealotry" as dispeptic ranting
about how all the other team's product is unmitigated crap, especially when
using phrases such as Windoze, LookOut, Micro$oft, etc.

If you draw a Venn diagram of
a) *nix "zealots", so defined; and
b) "people who have deep ideological commitments to Free Software"
I think you will find that I did group b) no disservice by leaving them
out of my analysis.

Chris Johnson Bidler