> For all you Debian bitches in the lug:
> How do you change the window manager in Debian?
> I am currently running wmaker, but it has a big mutant block for a mouse
> pointer.

Your problem is not related to the window manager.  Why don't you manually
start X on a virtual console w/o any window manager at all.  Kill gdm, xdm, or
kdm if they're running.  Then run X manually:

	bash# X

If the mutant block is still there, then you have a configuration or driver
problem with X.  Try using the auto-guess config file generated by X with

	bash# X -configure

When you get the prompt back, edit the resulting file to make sure your mouse
will work for your machine.  Then run X with that config file:

	bash# X -xf86config /root/XF86Config.new

If the big black box is still there, try enabling some of the options that X
provided you in the Device section.  They should be commented out by default.
Read the info regarding your card in /usr/share/doc/xserver-*.

Tweak the XF86Config file until you get something that works, then move it to

To answer your original question:

	bash# update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

Or, stick it in your .xsession:

	# example ~/.xsession
	# End of example

Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie
http://www.wookimus.net/                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
Get my public key, ICQ#, etc.  Send email w/the Subject: "get help"