On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 01:10:57PM -0600, David Blevins wrote:
> chown -R guest.users .*
> If you don't see the mistake right of the bat, just remember .* also matches
> '..'
> I have a standard RH 7.2 distribution with everything installed.  

This is one thing that RPM can do well, restore permissions. 

A snippet from `rpm --help`

--setperms    - set the file permissions to those in the package
		database using the same package specification
		options as -q

--setugids    - set the file owner and group to those in the
                package database using the same package
		specification options as -q

So to get everything fixed (the way Redhat wants it) you can do this:

rpm --setperms -a 
rpm --setugids -a

Note that if you did change any permissions anywhere on packaged files,
you'll lose them.
