On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 09:24:24PM -0500, Nicksteeler12 at cs.com wrote:
> what are you useing and what dont you like?

I've been using IceWM for the last 3-4 years.  

  - It leaves a lot of screen real estate for applications
  - It's stable
  - Includes a simple task bar
  - Includes a command line in the task bar (CTRL+ALT+SPACE gets you
  - Handles multiple workspaces well with keys to move focus and windows
    between workspaces easily
  - Easy restarting of IceWM after a config file change, without having
    to close any windows.
  - Can maximize a window vertically, great for expanding editor windows
  - Supports but doesn't depend on Gnome

  - the number of workspaces is static, until you change it in the
    config file and restart IceWM.
  - config file reloading isn't automatic
  - command line in taskbar could use libreadline support
