On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Yaron wrote:

> Yes, it's a piece of cake. I think there's a CD-Writing Howto. Plus look
> on Freshmeat for many, many, many applications. mkisofs and cdrecord anre
> the basic ones, and have many gui frontends (cdburn, gcombust, etc).

I swear by cdrecord.  I think it's the greatest CD burning tool ever
written.  I used to use Xcdroast, but I messed it up when I migrated to
Redhat Pinstripe and decided to learn cdrecord.  I never went back.  I do
have a question, and I didn't see it covered in the docs. Can you use an
IDE writer just using 'cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd'?  I have a SCSI and that's
what's primarily talked about in the HOWTO but it never says if you can
use a /dev entry instead of the SCSI BUS,ID,LUN construct.
