
I'm hoping someone can explain this. Or, at least why it won't work. I have a
P3 running RH6.2 and NT4.0sp5 with a 250M zip drive. Since a mac will read a pc
disk, I'd like to have the zip disks readable by it also.

I took a 100M zip disk and used fdisk to create a partition (#1 -- it chooses
Linux type partitions). I then used mkfs to create a vfat filesystem (that way,
I'm hoping there wouldn't be any issues with UID's). Linux will put a file on
the disk and read it. Winders will also read the file, but the mac doesn't see
it. The mac can write a file to it, and read it back, but back on Linux those
files are gone (go back to the mac and they're still there) and the original
file that was written to it is still there and readable.

Would someone please explain what's going on here and whether I can do what it
seems to me I ought to be able to do?


Ed Hoeffner
1-271 BSBE
312 Church St. SE
Mpls, MN 55455
hoeffner at dcmir.med.umn.edu
612-625-2163 fax