
On Sun, 11 Feb 2001, Austad, Jay wrote:

> You can't do that.  At least not with Bind 8.x.  NAT + DNS servers do not
> mix.

I was running BIND8 behind NAT for a while with no problems. Where can I
read about this apparent problem?

> I heard Bind 9.x was supposed to have support for it but I haven't
> tried it.

What exactly is there to support? Someone says "Hi, who's www.yaron.org?"
and you tell them the IP address. Doesn't matter where they came from. I
need more information!

Either way, I'm using bind9.

> You might also have a look at djbdns (http://cr.yp.to),

I did. Couldn't get it to work, didn't try very hard. I already regret
using qmail for so long, because it made me slightly less marketable (;

And djb is a PRICK. I'm sorry, but he is. "Oh, to use djbdns you need MYT
daemon launching utilitues (cause rc.d isn't good enough) and you need MY
tcpserver (cause [x]inetd isn't good enough) and you need to make a
/services (cause I never heard of /var/run)" etc. etc.

> I've alway just stuck my dns boxen outside and made sure they were secured
> properly.

Well, if I had an outside, I'd try that (:

