
On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Bob Tanner wrote:

> You got kicked because of bounced emails.

I know, but I wasn't getting anything after resubbing... obviously I
resubscribed during Quiet Time (;

> Get another backup MX host (or 2 or 3 or 5) and it won't happen.
> Real Time offers free MX for it's clients. Just send email to support saying
> what domains you want backup MX for and the IP address/FQDN of the primary MX.

That'd be great - now if only I could get InterNIC to modify my domain
information so I have a secondary DNS that actually WORKS. They insist
that I'm using MAIL-FROM (even though I _know_ I've switched to
CRYPT-PW!). Then they insist I need to email them from internic at yaron.org,
which I _am_...

I hope they'll sort themselves out by Monday.

