
Since it is a slow day on the list (and elsewhere)...

...here is a semi-tested version of the vile crap I
mailed earlier:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

opendir(D, '.');
chomp(@filenames = readdir(D));
print "filenames: @filenames\n";

$match = '\.tif\.gif$';
$replace = '.gif';
@oldnames = grep { m/$match/i; } @filenames;
@newnames{@oldnames} = grep { s/$match/$replace/ei; } @filenames;

foreach $name (@oldnames)
#   rename($name, $newnames{$name});
   print "$name => $newnames{$name}\n";

print "filenames: @filenames\n";

Wow, it actually allows you to see the changes
it makes. If the changes are to your liking, and
you're a gambler, uncomment the "rename" line
near the end.

Good luck,


On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 09:16:20AM -0500, dan williamson wrote:
> After it completes, the files are named: DSCF0089.TIF.jpg
> Is there a utility something  I can use to do a mass rename by stripping the 
> .tif extension? I have looked around but haven't had much luck.