"dan williamson" <dan at williamsongraphics.com> wrote:
> I am also using a script that I found on the net that looks like this:
> #!/bin/sh
>  for f in $* ;do
>  if echo "$f" | grep -i "TIF$" > /dev/null ; then
>    TIF=`echo "$f" | sed 's/JPG$/TIF/i'`
>    echo "converting  $f to $TIF ..."
>    convert 80x80 $f $TIF
>  else
>    echo echo "$f is not a TIF file, ignored"
>  fi
> done

I'm confused.. That script seems to be converting TIFs into TIFs or
something strange.  It echoes the filename that ends in .tif, then pipes
that through sed to change `jpg' to `tif', which is pointless when the
original file had a .tif extension..

That script is attempting to not care about the case of filename
extensions, and is maybe doing a bad job of it...

I do similar stuff a lot, though I've never used convert, so I can't help
you with that problem (it looked like it was just a warning, though..  do
the images turn out alright?)

for f in *.tif; do
  convert "$f" "$(echo $f|sed 's/.tif/.jpg/')"

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   Give your child mental 
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   blocks for Christmas. 
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)                             
[ Mike Hicks | http://umn.edu/~hick0088/ | mailto:hick0088 at tc.umn.edu ]
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