> If you think that's ugly, try this one:
> "Hastening a rapid demise for the free copying of digital media, the next
> generation of hard disks is likely to come with copyright protection
> countermeasures built in.
> Technical committees of NCTIS, the ANSI-blessed standards body, have been
> discussing the incorporation of content protection currently used for removable
> media into industry-standard ATA drives, using proprietary technology
> originating from the 4C Entity. They're the people who brought you CSS2: IBM,
> Toshiba Intel and Matsushita."
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/2/15620.html
> Alan Cox responds (not much meat here, unfortunately):
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/2/15655.html

yeah, let's just hope that 
a) it causes enough of a hassle that people start thinking for themselves
and avoiding those drives.
b) some companies make drives without the copy-protection crap built-in, to
sell to those users who don't want it.
c) people wake up enough to realize that this misfeature doesn't actually
protect against an even vaguely-determined pirate for long
d) more than one of the above.

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises
(952) 943-8700