Bob Tanner wrote:

> Is it just me or are inner-anonymous classes just hard to read?
> I believe this is an inner-anonymous class?
>   public PasswordAuthentication
>     getPasswordAuthentication() {
>       String username, password;
>       String result = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 'username,password'");
>       StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(result, ",");
>       username = st.nextToken();
>       password = st.nextToken();
>       return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
>   }
> I'm not sure how to read this code.
> Anyone wanna give this a chatty interpretation?

The method getPasswordAuthentication takes no parameters and returns an object of
type PasswordAuthentication.

1. String username, password;

Initialized the local variables username and password to type String

2. String result = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 'username,password'");

This one confuses me a bit because I normally do not deal with Swing classes.
However, it looks like it grabs the username and password entered through the
JOptionPane in the form 'username, password'

3. StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(result, ",");

Using the java class StringTokenizer, extract the username and password which are
delimited by a comma

4. username = st.nextToken();

The first String chunk, which is username, is grabed through the nextToken method
and the local variable username is set to the nextToken's return value

5. password = st.nextToken();

The second String chunk, which is password, is grabed through the nextToken method
and the local variable password set to the nextToken's return value

6. return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);

An instance of PasswordAuthentication is initialized with the values contained in
username and password.  This instance is returned to the calling method.

I suppose you were looking for an explanation of the JOptionPane which is where
this explanation breaks down because I don't know how it works because I don't do
GUIs.  My GUESS is that an instance of JOptionPane pops up, the user is expected to
enter a String in the form of 'username, password' and either the 'Enter' key or a
button is pressed by the user on the dialog box and control is returned to the
getPasswordAuthentication method where the information entered is extracted by use
of the showInputDialog method.

Perry Hoekstra
E-Commerce Architect
Talent Software Services
perry.hoekstra at